Herbal Herpes Treatment

Monday, December 3, 2007

Genital Herpes - Common Facts

STOP Herpes Now and From Coming Back for Good


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Herpes Simplex has two types- genital herpes and oral herpes or cold sores. Viruses HSV1 and HSV2 cause herpes. Both of these viruses can cause genital herpes. Genital herpes is contacted by a healthy person from an infected person. If your partner has cold sores and performs oral sex, you will contact genital herpes. Likewise if your partner has genital herpes, sexual contact will transmit herpes to you. The virus enters your body, through a cut in the skin or through mucous membrane. Our mouth, genitals and anus are covered with mucous membrane and therefore that is the easiest path for the virus to enter your body.

Once you contact genital herpes, the virus will remain in your body for your lifetime. There is no permanent cure to remove the virus from your body. Genital herpes is not a life threatening disease, but one who has genital herpes is more susceptible to contact HIV infection.

Genital herpes occurs from time to time. When it gets triggered, you will see blisters filled with fluid near your genitals or anus. After sometime these blisters crust and dry without any scar. The episodes may be accompanied by fever like symptoms. In most of the people the first episode is the most severe. In some people the symptoms are so insignificant that they may ignore them altogether. Herpes keeps getting triggered from time to time. The frequency differs from person to person. During active herpes the probability of transmitting it to another person are very high. But herpes can also be transmitted when no sores are seen.

Genital herpes has no permanent cure. Anti viral medication is prescribed during the outbreak to reduce the intensity and the time period of the outbreak. Some people are advise long term treatment with anti viral medication to prevent frequent outbreaks.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
The author CD Mohatta writes on skin care, diseases, treatments, STDs, etc at doctorgoodskin. He also writes text for myspace graphics and myspace comments.

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