Herbal Herpes Treatment

Friday, October 26, 2007

Safety against Genital Herpes

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Herpes can be defined as inflammation of the skin or membranes caused due to a virus whereby small blisters or ulcers are formed. This disease is quite widespread amongst people and carries the risk of spreading the disease to any other sexually active partner of the person suffering from the disease.

Person who suffers from this disease is often confused because the symptoms are not recognized early and could be confused with other diseases. Herpes outbreak as sores or blisters and develops thereafter. Common symptoms of herpes include itching, redness, pain during urination, tingling or burning sensation, cuts in genital area and vaginal discharge. Herpes could even spread through direct skin-to-skin contact oral, vaginal, or anal sex.

Antiviral medicines such as acyclovir, fam acyclovir and Val acyclovir help effectively in the treatment of herpes. If you face severe herpes, then painkillers, salt baths, or local anesthesia can even ease up the discomfort. These medicines are advisable in the following situation:

1. If you face severe recurrences - If you have taken a short-term course of the medicine and got reduction in severity of the symptoms then you could be asked to take a supply of medication ready each time the symptoms reoccur.

2. If you face frequent recurrences - You can be asked to take the medicine each day and as such, the frequency and severity are reduced. Typically, the treatment should be carried for 6 to 12 months and repeated if necessary.

3. For special times such as holidays, examinations- Medication can also be advised to avoid recurrence during any special times to have less risk of recurrence.

4. While pregnancy - If a person is pregnant and holds herpes then antiviral medicines could be advised so that it is not passed to the baby.

For further information, visit our website http://www.benzer11.com/acyclovir.html

Olivia Andrews, writing for http://www.benzer11.com/acyclovir.html is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels and mobile phones.

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Treat Herpes Effectively

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Genital herpes is an infection in the form of vesicular eruption caused by a virus; simplex-usually involving the mouth, lips, face (cold sores); zoster-infection of certain sensory nerves causing pain and/or blisters along the course of the affected nerve (shingles/zona); genitalis-lesions on the genitalia.

Around 50 million people in the world suffer from genital herpes and about 1 million people are infected each year. The best part is that many people even do not know that they suffer from the disease because they may not experience the symptoms.

If you have ever felt a burning, tingling or itchy feeling around your genital area, buttocks or thighs, or have noticed red open sores or bumps around the area, you may be one of the many people in the world who has herpes.

There are several medications for the treatment of genital herpes and acyclovir is one of the antiviral drugs developed for the treatment. These include acyclovir (zovarix), Val acyclovir (valtrex) and famciclovir (famir).

Acyclovir (brand name Zovirax) is the oldest of the antiviral medications. It has been available since 1982 in a topical form (ointment form) and sold since 1985 in pill form. Now acyclovir is available in a generic form.

It helps by reducing the replication of the viruses that needs to reproduce itself. Thereby it helps to keep the virus inactive. It is effectively used for the treatment of initial episodes and the management of recurring occurrences of genital herpes. Again, it helps in treating acute herpes zoster and chickenpox.

Studies show that these medications are quite safe and effective and rarely produce any side effects. However, certain side effects could be visible such as some allergic reactions, swelling in body parts, stomach pain or less production of urine in the body.

Olivia Andrews, writing for www.benzer11.com/acyclovir.html is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels and mobile phones.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Negotiation Is The Path To Herpes Peace

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You need to make peace with your herpes. I understand the instinct to want to fight herpes, to ?annihilate it? as one young man told me. I fought herpes for nine years and lost. I didn?t start winning my own personal battle with herpes until I made peace with it and with myself. You cannot win a war against herpes. Like Israel and Hezbollah or the Hutus and Tutsi or the Catholics and Protestants in Ulster you will have to find a way to peacefully co-exist. Herpes is for life, but how peaceful that life is up to you.

Negotiation is the path to herpes peace. Here are some rules of herpes diplomacy that I learned during my nine-year struggle. The same rules can apply when dealing with HPV or any other disease.

1. Treat your adversary with respect. Understand and recognize what herpes is and what?s its purpose in your body. You can review the chapter in my book entitled ?The Mystical-Magical Herpes Virus? for a refresher.

2. Be willing to speak and listen openly and sincerely with the virus. There is a visualization exercise in the book to aide in this.

3. Negotiate in good faith with the virus to come up with a win-win situation for your mutual benefit. The deal I stuck with the virus was this: ?I understand that you are in my body for life and I will stop projecting anger, bitterness and resentment towards you and in return I require that you conduct yourself like a well-behaved guest. If I treat my body well with the right diet and not allow myself to get too far out of balance you must agree to stay dormant?.

4. Practice Patience. Real peace agreements rarely happen overnight. Being impatient and anxious will show the virus that you are weak and desperate and will reduce your leverage in the negotiation.

5. Practice Perseverance. You must be in it for the long haul. You must have the commitment and stamina to see the peace process through. Whenever peace negotiations break down usually the situation on the ground worsens.

Peace is always better than war, especially a war you cannot win. With all the strife and suffering in this world, why not make your own body into a haven of peace?

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist

Christopher Scipio, is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus and the author of the book "Making Peace with Herpes", Scipio developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses and HPV. http://www.natropractica.com

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dealing with Herpes

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Herpes, which is a sexually transmitted disease, used to be quite a dangerous disease associated with sex. Of course, with advance in medical knowledge, we now know that the truth about herpes is that it is not deadly, unlike HIV. However, it should also not be neglected, as it can cause pregnancy complication during childbirth, and even get the newborn baby infected. Or it might cause blindness if it spread to the eyes. Cervical cancer is also related to it.

As sufferer of herpes, one will have pain and discomfort. Although there is no herpes cure at the moment, here are some home remedy for herpes that can be applied to relief the unwanted effect of this condition.

Using ice Try applying ice to herpes sores when they appear, as you can prevent them from growing big.

Use a blow dryer You can use a blow dryer to dry out moist blisters. However, take caution not to use the blow dryer for too long or too high temperature or else you might hurt or burn your skin.

Using black tea Get a black tea bag, pour hot water over it, let it cool down, and place the tea bag on the sore. Black tea contains tannic acid that can reduce pain. It is also astringent and can help constrict the skin.

Salt your wounds Bathe in a tub of water mix with half a cup of sea salt. This may sting a bit at first but one will feel comforting after awhile.

Vitamin rub Take a capsule of vitamin E, open it up and apply it directly onto the sore every four hours.

Using tea tree oil Tea tree oil is a powerful natural antiseptic which, when applied directly onto sore, can dry it out and heal it. You can use cotton or clothe to apply some of the oil on the sore. However, try not to use too much, and if there is too much stinging, consider diluting the oil with water first. Take caution not to place tea tree oil near the eyes.

Use freeze-dried red wine Researchers have found that freeze-dried red wine has concentrated tannins in it, which can relief herpes sore pains. Try applying it to the sores. You can buy freeze-dried red wine at some wine specialty shops.

Avoid touching your sores Try not to touch your sores, and if you do so, wash your hands carefully so that you would not spread the virus to other parts of your body, especially your eyes.

Let your skin breathe Wear loose clothing, and avoid tight pants or underwear, in order to let your skin some space to breathe. Also avoid applying cream or lotion containing petroleum on your skin that inhibit the ability of your skin to breathe and can slow down the recovery process.

Here are the ways herpes sufferer can use to ease the situation. Luckily, most of the time a herpes sufferer gets only one cycle of herpes infesting the body, after which it will not occur again. One last piece of advice for herpes sufferer is not to identify oneself as a carrier of herpes, even subconsciously. This attitude or mindset may not cure herpes, but it will reduce the anxiety that tends to accompany the outbreaks of herpes.

For more info on herpes, visit herpes.greenhealthinformation.com

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at greenhealthinformation.com

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Herpes Symptoms

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Herpes, both genital and oral is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. There are two strains of this virus, HSV-1 AND HSV-2. HSV-1 is known to cause oral Herpes, while genital herpes is caused by the HSV-2 virus.

The common symptom for these two diseases is the appearance of blisters and sores on the body; the difference lies on the part of the body they appear. In case of oral herpes, they appear on the lips, in and on the mouth. In genital Herpes, the sores appear on the genital area?inside the vagina or on the cervix in the women and on the penis in the males, as also in the urinary tract of both men and women.

Herpes lesions first appear as small red burns then mature into blisters that later become sores. After a few weeks, these sores dry up and heal without scaling.

The first attack of the Herpes virus is called the primary episode. The symptoms appear within two to ten days of the infection and last for about two to three weeks. The first most noticeable symptom of the disease is the itching that the infected person feels when the sores appear. In case of oral herpes, the gums become red and swollen, and in some cases, the tongues develop a white coating.

Other symptoms of oral herpes include fever, muscle ache, difficulty eating, and feeling of irritability. It is important to remember that both oral herpes and genital herpes are infectious diseases.

In both variants of the disease, in most cases, there are no visible symptoms, or even when there are sores and blisters, people generally don?t identify them with herpes. Therefore, infected people unintentionally transfer the disease through physical contact- be it touching, kissing, or sexual activity.

Genital Herpes provides detailed information on Genital Herpes, Herpes, Herpes And Pregnancy, Herpes Cure and more. Genital Herpes is affiliated with Hepatitis C Treatments.

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Pictures Of Mouth Herpes

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Oral Herpes

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Herpes, both oral and genital, is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. While oral Herpes is caused by HSV-1, genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the HSV-2 virus.

The common symptoms for both oral and genital herpes include the appearance of sores on the body. These sores appear on different parts of the body. In case of genital herpes, they appear on the genital area. In oral herpes, they appear on or in the mouth.

Most people infected with oral herpes are not even aware of the fact that they have the disease. This is because people usually don?t associate these blisters or soars with herpes. These soars usually last for a few weeks and then gradually dry out.

Oral herpes is an infectious disease that can spread by touching, kissing, or sexual contact. It is prominent amongst children because they pass on the disease to the non-infected children also.

Herpes can also be passed from adults to children through a simple good night kiss. Oral herpes is usually not frightening and can be controlled by treatment and preventive measures, but for a person with an impaired nervous system, it can prove to be fatal.

People can take some precautions to prevent further spread of herpes. Frequent and washing and avoiding touching infected areas are two good ideas. Also, remember that you need to take precautions with infants because their nervous systems may not be able to cope with the pressure of the disease. Adults with babies should avoid cuddling or touching them till the symptoms subside.

Oral herpes can be painful if people don?t take the necessary preventive measures. One measure is to take anti-viral tablets. Generally, herpes recurrence will not happen if you take medication. The other thing is people should try to remain stress free because higher stress levels prolong the disease.

Herpes provides detailed information on Genital Herpes, Herpes, Herpes And Pregnancy, Herpes Cure and more. Herpes is affliated with Hepatitis C Treatments.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Negotiation is the Path to Herpes Peace

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Negotiation is the Path to Making Peace with Herpes

You need to make peace with your herpes. I understand the instinct to want to fight herpes, to "annihilate it" as one young man told me. I fought herpes for nine years and lost. I didn't start winning my own personal battle with herpes until I made peace with it and with myself. You cannot win a war against herpes. Like Israel and Hezbollah or the Hutus and Tutsi or the Catholics and Protestants in Ulster you will have to find a way to peacefully co-exist. Herpes is for life, but how peaceful that life is up to you.

Negotiation is the path to herpes peace. Here are some rules of herpes diplomacy that I learned during my nine-year struggle. The same rules can apply when dealing with HPV or any other disease.

1. Treat your adversary with respect. Understand and recognize what herpes is and what's its purpose in your body. You can review the chapter in my book entitled "The Mystical-Magical Herpes Virus" for a refresher.

2. Be willing to speak and listen openly and sincerely with the virus. There is a visualization exercise in the book to aide in this.

3. Negotiate in good faith with the virus to come up with a win-win situation for your mutual benefit. The deal I stuck with the virus was this: "I understand that you are in my body for life and I will stop projecting anger, bitterness and resentment towards you and in return I require that you conduct yourself like a well-behaved guest. If I treat my body well with the right diet and not allow myself to get too far out of balance you must agree to stay dormant".

4. Practice Patience. Real peace agreements rarely happen overnight. Being impatient and anxious will show the virus that you are weak and desperate and will reduce your leverage in the negotiation.

5. Practice Perseverance. You must be in it for the long haul. You must have the commitment and stamina to see the peace process through. Whenever peace negotiations break down usually the situation on the ground worsens.

Peace is always better than war, especially a war you cannot win. With all the strife and suffering in this world, why not make your own body into a haven of peace?

Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Viral Specialist

Christopher Scipio, is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus and the author of the book "Making Peace with Herpes", Scipio developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses and HPV. http://www.natropractica.com

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Causes Herpes

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Genital Herpes

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Genital herpes is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD). A sexually transmitted disease is a disease that you get by having sex with someone who already has the disease. Genital herpes is usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 (known as HSV-2). The disease is usually transmitted by sexual intercourse, with the virus passing from the infected partner via the skin, vagina, penis, or anus. Once you are infected, the virus stays in your body for life. You can give herpes to another person if you have sex when your herpes virus is active. HSV remains in certain nerve cells of the body forever, and can produce symptoms off and on in some infected people.

Herpes is spread through direct contact. So, a genital herpes infection will stay in the area it originated unless transferred elsewhere via direct contact or skin-to-skin transference. Herpes won't just show up on its own somewhere else on the body. Because herpes is spread through direct contact, it is important to avoid contact with infected areas. If a herpes infection is not localized, further complications may occur. Herpes is equally common in males and females.

HSV-1 can cause genital herpes, but it more commonly causes infections of the mouth and lips, so-called "fever blisters." HSV-1 infection of the genitals can be caused by oral-genital or genital-genital contact with a person who has HSV-1 infection. Genital HSV-1 outbreaks recur less regularly than genital HSV-2 outbreaks.

Most of the people who are infected with HSV-2 have no symptoms of disease or they do not recognize their symptoms. Only about one third of people who first become infected with HSV-2 have symptoms. These symptoms often include fever, headache, genital pain, genital discharge, and blisters. Even if you have no symptoms, genital herpes can be diagnosed by testing your blood for an antibody to HSV-2. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender ulcers (sores) that may take two to four weeks to heal the first time they occur. Typically, another outbreak can appear weeks or months after the first, but it almost always is less severe and shorter than the first episode. Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tends to go down over a period of years.

Once the virus infects you, it moves from the skin or membranes around the genitals to the central nervous system, where it remains for life. The virus can "wake up" or reactivate to cause a recurrence of the disease. When reactivation occurs, the virus travels down the nerves to the skin. It may cause blisters, genital itching, tenderness, burning, tingling, or redness, but it usually just makes copies of itself with no symptoms.

As a part of Biogetica.com, Dr.Prasad a homeopath helped to formulate medications for holistic health care providing online consultation for treatment of Herpes,HPV,Hepatitis,etc, offering a m?lange of products inclusive of auxiliary & ancillary therapies.

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How To Cure Herpes In Kids And Adults?

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Herpes is a viral disease that generally affects the mouth and the genital areas. The virus called HSV-2 causes the genital virus. HSV 1 is responsible for the oral herpes.

The action of HSV 1 virus is generally seen among children. It is difficult to identify the symptoms at first though. Usually, when you see sores and blisters in the mouth of the kid for the first time you don't generally associate them with herpes. But when this goes on for some time the child continue to play and associate with their friends in the normal way, but in the process they have caused the disease to spread. The virus spreads very fast through physical contact.

Herpes attack is the peculiar one. The first attack is termed as the primary episode. When this subsides, it is not all over. It remains dormant in the nerves nearby, only to re-emerge periodically and cause further attacks. But once you know that it is herpes and not the common sores, the treatment perspective changes. With proper precautions, the immune system gradually builds up and once you know who the attacker is you take steps to reduce the impact of the attack.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this disease. The infected body will always remain the storehouse for the virus. As for the home cure, certain precautionary steps and matters relating to hygiene need to be understood thoroughly before putting them into practice.

Well, two things are important here. You need to stop the herpes attack from happening again and secondly, you should not become the transmission 'tower' to transfer this fast-spreading disease.

Some of the suggested steps that you can use at home to prevent the effect of this disease are discussed below.

1.After you get in contact with the person suffering from herpes, wash your hands.

2.Do not touch the sores with hands and not with the cloth even. Use cotton for the purpose and throw it after use.

3.The affected area needs to be cleaned and kept dry.

4.Until the herpes is healed, sexual contact is not recommendable. Genital herpes is a difficult condition. For the virus may be life long and under such a situation sexual activity must be avoided at all the costs. You will be the cause of spreading the disease to your sexual partner, if you violate this discipline.

5.During the peak of the outbreak, the pain will be unbearable, but there are natural ways to control it to some extent. The main care is related to the type of dressing you indulge in. Wear loose cotton clothes and try to keep the area dry.

6.Make liberal use of the ice packs by holding it on the affected part, for short durations. Take warm water bath. Carefully dry the affected areas with cotton.

All in all, herpes is a disease that can not be cured, but must be endured. But you can counter the magnitude of its nuisance to a great extent, if you keep all these natural aspects of care in mind!

http://www.newhomeremedies.com/ & Home Remedies provides detailed information on remedies, natural remedies, disease remedies and more.

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Monday, October 8, 2007

20% Of The Population Have A Herpes Virus

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Herpes is a kind of viral infection. There are two herpes simplex viruses. Herpes Simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes Simplex type 2 (HSV-2). These viruses however look identical under microscope and both are capable of infecting mouth and genitals. Though the immune system of the body fights back against this menace, gradually the battle grows intense and as a result there are heavy losses by both the herpes virus and the immune system. Then the body becomes less capable of defending itself from attacks of other viruses.

After getting into a skin cell the virus starts multiplying. Then the skin becomes red, sensitive and soon afterwards one or more blisters or bumps appear. The blister opens, heals as new skin tissue forms. During the first outbreak the area is painful and may burn or itch. Flu like symptoms may also be common..

About 20% or over 50 million people are infected with genital virus in America. Each year millions of americans are diagnosed with genital herpes and young teens are found to be largely affected. Studies show that among every five American adults one is inflicted by the virus. Most of the people are unaware that they are affected by the virus.

Genital herpes is a contagious disease. The virus that affects the genital of men and women are characterized by recurrent clusters of vesicles and lesions at the genital areas. Herpes is a nuisance and it can make one emotionally traumatic. Herpes patients should try to keep the herpes virus under control. However, supporting the immune system should be the first target. Weak immune system is prone to outbreak.

Research is still going on for discovery of effective herpes vaccine. Though some vaccines like polio, small pox had been used to prevent the HSV occurrence, they had no effect. Now one has to depend upon the anti viral therapy. Isoniplex Isopinosine is used in 56 countries. It has an antiviral action and more significantly it has the ability to stimulate the body?s immune response. Certain drugs can reduce the frequency and duration of an outbreak. One can eliminate the risk of getting herpes by not having sexual intercourse with someone infected.

However if infected then the infected area should be kept clean and as dry as possible. This will help in the process of natural healing. Doctors often recommend warm showers in order to cleanse the infected area. Then the area should be dried with hair dryer. In order to prevent chaffing, the infected person should avoid tight fitting garments. Creams and lotions might be irritating.

A total approach to nutrition can be useful. There is no necessity of avoiding fat if it has a low lysine/arginine ratio and only a few milligram of arginine in it.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Herpes Further information can be found at Questions & Answers.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Herpes Simplex Virus

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Herpes is a viral disease that mostly affects the mouth and the genital areas. The Herpes Virus is known as the Herpes Simples Virus. It has two strains- HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is responsible for oral Herpes and HSV-2 causes genital herpes.

HSV-1 virus is associated with infection on or in the mouth. The symptoms include lesions or sores on the lips and mouth. Other symptoms include swollen gums and also flu-like symptoms including high fever. Since gums and the mouth are infected, the affected persons find difficulty in eating. Also, in most cases the tongue may develop a white coating.

HSV-1 is widely prevalent amongst children. The symptoms of this disease are not easily identifiable. People usually don?t associate blisters or sores with Herpes. As a result, they are not even aware that they are suffering from the disease. So, infected children, when they interact with other children, either in school or while playing, unintentionally spread the disease because the virus spreads through physical contact.

The HSV-2 Virus is responsible for causing genital herpes. The symptoms of this disease are blisters that appear around the genital areas. These blisters break and cause sores, which in turn contain the HSV-2 strain. These sores release the virus causing genital herpes.

Genital Herpes can be very painful and dangerous if the person is an expectant mother. In the case of a primary attack, chances of passing the virus to the unborn infant are high. If this happens, it can prove fatal for the baby. But this risk is less if the attack is secondary, because in that case the mother?s immune system has usually built up the defense to deal with the virus.

The first attack is called the primary episode. After this episode subsides, the virus remains dormant in the nearby nerves, and periodically remerges to cause further attacks. With proper precaution and treatment, the frequency and the severity of the attacks decrease because the immune system gradually builds up the anti-bodies to counteract the disease.

Genital Herpes provides detailed information on Genital Herpes, Herpes, Herpes And Pregnancy, Herpes Cure and more. Genital Herpes is affiliated with Hepatitis C Treatments.

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Twenty Percent Of The Population Have A Herpes Virus

STOP Herpes Now and From Coming Back for Good


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Herpes is a kind of viral infection. There are two herpes simplex viruses. Herpes Simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes Simplex type 2 (HSV-2). These viruses however look identical under microscope and both are capable of infecting mouth and genitals. Though the immune system of the body fights back against this menace, gradually the battle grows intense and as a result there are heavy losses by both the herpes virus and the immune system. Then the body becomes less capable of defending itself from attacks of other viruses.

After getting into a skin cell the virus starts multiplying. Then the skin becomes red, sensitive and soon afterwards one or more blisters or bumps appear. The blister opens, heals as new skin tissue forms. During the first outbreak the area is painful and may burn or itch. Flu like symptoms may also be common..

About 20% or over 50 million people are infected with genital virus in America. Each year millions of americans are diagnosed with genital herpes and young teens are found to be largely affected. Studies show that among every five American adults one is inflicted by the virus. Most of the people are unaware that they are affected by the virus.

Genital herpes is a contagious disease. The virus that affects the genital of men and women are characterized by recurrent clusters of vesicles and lesions at the genital areas. Herpes is a nuisance and it can make one emotionally traumatic. Herpes patients should try to keep the herpes virus under control. However, supporting the immune system should be the first target. Weak immune system is prone to outbreak.

Research is still going on for discovery of effective herpes vaccine. Though some vaccines like polio, small pox had been used to prevent the HSV occurrence, they had no effect. Now one has to depend upon the anti viral therapy. Isoniplex Isopinosine is used in 56 countries. It has an antiviral action and more significantly it has the ability to stimulate the body?s immune response. Certain drugs can reduce the frequency and duration of an outbreak. One can eliminate the risk of getting herpes by not having sexual intercourse with someone infected.

However if infected then the infected area should be kept clean and as dry as possible. This will help in the process of natural healing. Doctors often recommend warm showers in order to cleanse the infected area. Then the area should be dried with hair dryer. In order to prevent chaffing, the infected person should avoid tight fitting garments. Creams and lotions might be irritating.

A total approach to nutrition can be useful. There is no necessity of avoiding fat if it has a low lysine/arginine ratio and only a few milligram of arginine in it.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Herpes Further information can be found at Sports & Travel

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Genital Herpes

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Do you know that at least 45 million people of all ages have the herpes virus. That is equal to one out of five adults. Is it possible to completely cure herpes? Unfortunately no, at least not yet.

Once you have contracted the virus it never leaves your body. The herpes virus lives silently in the nerve endings at the base of the brain and in the spinal cord. This is a real nasty virus.

Is there any proven treatment to control herpes naturally? Fortunately yes, there is good news.

You don't need to take prescription drugs which are very expensive and have a host of side effects. Alternatively, there are many options to bring this persistent and painful condition under control. It would take some work from you to change your life style. These proven methods work on oral, facial and genital herpes, shingles and mouth ulcers.

Let me share my story with you.

Many years ago I was foolish enough to have unprotected intercourse. Neither of us had any protection, but my girlfriend ushered me that she was free of any diseases. I realise now how naive I was. Maybe she really didn't know because of the early stage of infection. But that was no consolation to me since I contracted genital herpes from her. It's terrible and and worst of all it's irreversible.

I felt like my future was going down the drain. I was going through hell and I felt ashamed to tell my best friend and even to go to the doctor. I kept my shame to myself hoping it will go away on its own. I got to a point where I could hardly walk because of the pain, itching and burning. I knew I had to get some help and that's when I learned what I actually contracted.

The medication that was prescribed helped me some, but the side effects were so horrible. While I was taking it, I felt sick, dizzy, nauseated and felt like fainting. After this I tried a different medication, but this one made me hallucinate. My life became a living nightmare. It was bad enough to live with genital herpes and mental frustration so the last thing I needed was a drug that causes hallucinations.

After a while my best friend noticed that I was not the same. He wanted to help and was curious to know what was bothering me. I finally told him my bad experience. He told me that maybe his aunt would be able to help me because she was suffering from genital herpes for a long time. She was keeping the virus under control with proven natural remedies.

I learned from her which foods to eat that discourage outbreaks. She explained to me that to be able to keep the virus at bay I would have to make some major changes in my lifestyle. She showed me what she uses and how to get rid of genital herpes or at least control it.

The combination of the following is what works for me and best of all without side affects.

1. I pay close attention to my hygiene, more than I ever did before. Now don't get me wrong; I was not a dirty person but there are different ways of being clean.

2. I make sure that my underwear are only cotton. I use organic based laundry detergent just for my underwear and I only sun dry them.

3. I don't wear heavy or tight pants or jeans and I change them often.

4. I use an herbal based, non-toxic and odorless product from Australia called "Charaphor." This is a topically applied product.

5. I stopped using sugar completely because sugar acts as a fertiliser for the herpes virus and it's also hard on the kidneys. Instead of sugar, I use unfiltered, organic raw honey in moderation. Honey is known for its antiseptic qualities.

6. To boost my immune system I use a "non-synthetic" blend of vitamins and minerals. I also take amino acids and a variety of herbal teas.

7. Avoid stress as much as possible. I noticed that when I am stressed out the virus starts to resurface. Stress breakes down the immune system. To combat stress, I set aside 30 minutes a day to listen to some meditative music or sounds of nature.

During my years of research of the herpes virus I have learned of many more helpful ways of keeping the virus at bay. To avoid the side effects and the dangers of prescription drugs, I only searched for natural treatments.

The herpes virus must not be taken lightly and it is crucial to keep your immune system in top condition at all time. I know that this may mean a huge change in your lifestyle, it did for me, but this is much easier than having to suffer. Until someone discovers a complete cure, which I believe will happen soon, I and many others feel that this is the best and proven method of treating herpes.

Peter Nagy dedicates much of his time researching alternative/natural ways to be healthy and to stay young.

If you would like to learn about herpes please visit...www.herpesnomore.southpawpress.com

Discover a natural way to get rid of yeast infections visit www.nouveauhealth.com/yeast-infection/

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Jock Itch Or Genital Herpes?

STOP Herpes Now and From Coming Back for Good


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Genital herpes and jock itch are rarely confused, but genital herpes in its early stages may be mistaken for jock itch since both conditions have similar symptoms. They are both uncomfortable, produce red, irritated skin and appear in the thighs, groin or genital area. However, they are usually quite easy to differentiate. This article is designed to help you avoid making the mix-up.

Jock itch is caused from a fungus called Trichophyton rubrum. It can grow anywhere on the body, but most often shows up in the warm, moist areas of the groin. Sweaty or tight-fitting clothing and direct contact with the fungus can lead to a case of jock itch. Jock itch may occur in both men and women, but mostly affects adult men. Like genital herpes, jock itch may be contagious and can be passed from one person to the next by skin-to-skin contact or contact with unwashed clothing.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted virus. The virus may remain dormant for some time, but an outbreak will usually occur within 30 days of sexual contact. The first herpes outbreak is usually the most severe but not necessarily. Stages of a herpes infection are as follows: itchiness, a rash, stinging, burning, swelling, blistering, sores, crusts and a return to healthy skin with no scarring. These symptoms usually don?t last more than 3 weeks. Genital herpes symptoms may vary greatly and may consist of only a mild rash that disappears within 10 days and may return occasionally.

The confusion in self-diagnosing each condition occurs because both diseases affect the groin area. Both start with a red rash, itching and bumps on the skin. They are uncomfortable and can cause pain for several days. Jock itch usually causes red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. The patches are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may cause a red ring to appear. The skin may become abnormally dark or light.

Jock itch differs from genital herpes in that it usually doesn?t develop on the scrotum or penis. It tends to spread in the inner thigh area instead. However, a jock itch rash may also affect the genitals and areas around the anus, rectum, or vagina. The skin may crack, scale and be painful, but it usually won?t present open lesions like it would with genital herpes. Genital herpes doesn?t cause long-term infections. Healthy skin returns after 3 weeks, although slight change in skin color may result. Jock itch and genital herpes symptoms can both recur at any time. Jock itch can be cured after each episode but no cure or vaccine has been found for herpes yet.

The only sure way to tell which condition you have is to see a doctor. Doctors can usually recognize jock itch during a physical examination. But at times, they may decide to do a test. They will either perform a swab test if blisters are present or a skin lesion biopsy by scraping the skin. If all else fails, a blood test should remove any doubts.

To cure jock itch, a doctor will prescribe an anti-fungal cream or lotion to apply directly to the source of the fungal infection. Doctors can prescribe medication, or if you suffer from recurring fungal infections, over the counter medicine like Tinactin, Lotrimin and Micatin are available. The cream should be used for two weeks, and continued for several days after the rash is completely gone. If your jock itch doesn?t clear up or causes blisters, you should go to your doctor to have a physical examination.

Genital herpes can?t be cured, but its symptoms can be treated with an anti-viral medicine, which will help limit the duration of an outbreak.

Relief can be found for both conditions by checking with your doctor. Wear loose clothing, breathable cotton and quickly change out of sweaty clothes to prevent jock itch. Once you have contracted genital herpes, you can take measures to prevent outbreaks by eating a good diet, exercising and reducing your stress levels and taking antiviral treatment daily.

Nathalie Foy has written Herpes Wise a book including her formula on how to get rid of herpes fast and great genital herpes info on testing, prevention... Visit her websites at Herpes Wise and Treating Herpes.

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