Herbal Herpes Treatment

Friday, September 28, 2007

Genital herpes - Do You Get It If Your Partner Has Cold Sores?

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Genital herpes affects many of us. All of us want to protect ourselves. The problem is the anxiety about getting genital herpes if the partner shows no signs, but is a carrier? What if he/she had contacted cold sores in the childhood? Will you get genital herpes? Let us find out.

Genital herpes- basics

Here are few basics about genital herpes. It can be caused by virus type 1 that causes cold sores. Most of the carriers are in a phase when they show no outward sign but shed the virus (asymptomatic phase). After contacting herpes, you will become infected but may show no symptoms for years. Unfortunately you may suspect a different partner when you get the eruption. The earlier one that gave you herpes is only in the memory. Many of us believe that genital herpes is only caused by virus type2. This is not true. Let me put it like this. If you have genital herpes, it is difficult for your partner to get cold sores. But if you have cold sores, your partner can easily get genital herpes.

Genital herpes- about the habit of the virus

The herpes virus behaves in a typical manner. as soon as you contact herpes, the virus begins multiplying. You may get a severe eruption of herpes or a very mild. After treatment the virus goes to sleep. Because of certain reasons, the virus goes back to the skin. The trigger may be- stress, illness, lowered immunity etc. After going back to the skin, the virus erupts again and shows herpes on the skin. It gets treated again and goes back to sleep to return after some time. To know more about herpes- click here- Herpes Simplex

Even if your partner shows no signs of herpes, if he/she is an active carrier of cold sores or virus type2, you may get infected. Only screening will tell you about the status of your partner. Please protect yourself from genital herpes.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit his skin care guide for more information about how to have good skin. He also writes for free screen savers and desktop wallpapers. The author also writes for romantic greetings.

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Herpes is a sexually transmitted viral disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. Two strains of this virus have been identified ? HSV I and HSV2.

The HSV-I virus is known to cause oral herpes. Oral herpes is a disease that affects the mouth. Cold sores appear on the lips and on and in the mouth. It is a communicable disease that is prevalent among children, though it is not uncommon among adults as well. The outbreak of the disease results in painful sores, swollen and bleeding gums and sometimes a white coating on the tongue.

The symptoms of herpes are not easily identifiable .The result is that most people don?t even realize they are suffering from the disease and unintentionally spread it to non-infected persons through physical contact.

It is easier to prevent Herpes than it is to cure it. It is important that infected parents do not kiss their children, for this could spread the virus. Also, it is better not to send the infected children to school till the attack subsides. It is also essential to keep the utensils of the patient separate from those of the other family members. Once the disease sets in, people should take antiviral drugs such as acyclovir.

Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease usually caused by the HSV-2 virus. The blisters appear on the genital area, vaginal area, penis, anal opening, and on the buttocks or thighs. The symptoms of genital herpes include a feeling of itching or burning in the genital area, pain in the legs or buttocks. In case of women, there is a fluid discharge from the vagina.

The first attack of the HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus is called the primary episode. The symptoms set in within two to ten days of the infection and last for about two to three weeks. After the attack, the virus remains dormant for some time in the nerve cells and then gets reactivated, and another attack results. The frequency and severity of the attacks diminish with the passage of time.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What is Oral & Genital Herpes?

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There are two types of herpes infections, oral herpes and genital herpes; both are contagious. The most insidious fact about herpes is that it can be an "invisible virus;" it is possible for a person to have and to spread either type of herpes virus and not even know that he or she has herpes.

The virus that infects a person with oral herpes is named "herpes simplex type 1." The virus that infects a person with genital herpes is named "herpes simplex type 2." Both types of herpes are spread by direct contact with an infected area or by contact with a body fluid from that area.

There is no known cure for either type of herpes; it is permanent, but not always active. A person with oral herpes or genital herpes may have one or several outbreaks in his or her life.

Oral Herpes and It's Symptoms

Oral herpes symptoms include blisters or cold sores on the lips and in the mouth that can develop into painful ulcers. If the gums are infected they will become red and puffy. Oral herpes may also cause a fever, aching muscles and swollen glands in the neck. An initial outbreak may last from two to three weeks.

Oral herpes is very common among children. Children share each other's straws and eating utensils and generally have a lot of physical contact with one another playing sports and just generally roughhousing. Children are also subject to being kissed by visiting close friends and relatives who are completely unaware that they have oral herpes.

Genital Herpes and its Symptoms

Genital herpes symptoms include blisters and pain in the genital areas. Blisters may appear on the penis, scrotum, vagina, in the cervix or on the thighs and buttocks. Initial symptoms include an itch or pain in an infected area, fever, headache, swollen glands in the groin, a painful or burning sensation during urination and possibly a thick, clear fluid discharge from the penis or vagina. The blisters may become painful sores. An initial episode of genital herpes may last from one to three weeks.

Preventing Herpes

It is possible to prevent a herpes infection by avoiding direct contact with blisters, sores or ulcers that appear on someone's mouth or genitals. Keeping in mind that herpes can be an "invisible virus," it is a good idea to avoid physical or intimate contact with anyone you suspect may carry either virus.

Teach your children that putting something in their mouth that has been in someone else's mouth is never a good idea. They should also be warned that when someone has a cut or sore they should be very careful to avoid touching it because of the "germs" that they might catch. Adults and teenagers who are sexually active should never have unprotected sex with someone who they even suspect may be infected by genital herpes. The use of a condom will provide some measure of protection but not complete protection. The only complete protection is abstinence.

A pregnant women who has ever had an outbreak of genital herpes should inform her obstetrician well before her due date, so the obstetrician can, if necessary, discuss and plan for a non-vaginal delivery.

Treating Herpes

It is worth mentioning again that all a doctor or a medication can do is treat symptoms of an outbreak of herpes with an antiviral medicine -- there is no cure.

If your child has cold sores that do not disappear within ten days, or has a history of frequent cold sores, take him or her to a doctor.

Daisy Bone writes on Herpes Virus. For more information: oral-genital-herpes-pictures.com

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Stress, Nutrition and the Herpes Virus...

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Herpes is a virus that really feeds of the host's central nervous system. When a person who has the herpes virus is on top of their game, the virus is kept silent. Hiding in the nerves by site of infection, but when stress strikes it's like a red flag to the virus - Party time for old HSV. (Funny how it has the same initials as a big red car).

Often it is just when a person think ' nothing else can happen', when the Herpes appears to say, "remember me" with Dr Evil grin. The best way to avoid Herpes outbreaks, and to minimize them when they do occur is to really deal with the stress. Some types are harder then others to deal with i.e. it may be easier to cut back on caffeine then it is to lock your partner in the closet to feel calm.

Improving diet can help with minimizing stress hugely, just think of all the unnecessary preservatives, crap, caffeine, sugar and chemical whoseewhatsit that is for sale in supermarkets around the world. If your body is taking, absorbing and digesting real foods - foods it knows and understands then the body's stress will be less. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, fish and fresh meats are food the body readily recognizes. All of our enzymes have a specific food group that they deal to, and when there are chemically created and non-healthful foods being ingested daily the balance is well and truly thrown off. And the Herpes Virus is there to jump out and feed on that.

The Herpes virus feeds on arginine rich foods and is inhibited by lysine rich foods. If you have the Herpes virus chances are you have heard of these two amino acids - if not it is time to meet them. High Lysine Foods include Fish, Chicken, Lamb, Milk, Brewers yeast, Mung beans, Sprouts and Oat flakes. High Arginine Foods (to avoid during outbreak) are Peanuts, Pecans, Cashews, Almonds, Chocolate, Peas, Garlic, Ginseng, Whole wheat. It is a good idea to adopt this guideline around any stressful time.

It is great to take a note of the Arginine-lysine factor when dealing with stress and the Herpes virus, as some of the foods are classic ones our hands go out to when we want to feel better, particularly chocolate and bread. It's not hard to eliminate these for a short while when the other option is suffering a Herpes virus outbreak. For other dietary options it is a great idea to see a naturopath who can provide a tailor-made you specific plan.

Other ways a naturopath can help eliminate the outbreaks of the Herpes virus is to provide a plan whereby stress is dealt with easily, and it is comfortable to keep healthy with an impenetrable immune system.

The Herpes virus is a serious condition and can be severe with a lot of people. The stigma attached to having the Herpes virus also adds to the stress, especially genital Herpes. A great stress reducing activity could be to join a Herpes chat room, or tell a close friend, so you always have someone to talk about it with. Having information is always really useful to not only recovery but to a life and health extraordinary.

Stephanie Young is a renown Naturopath and Medical Herbalist; she has practiced in the field of complementary medicine for 8 years. Visit her HerpesFree website for tips and strategies on living free fromHerpes

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

How To Control Your Herpes Outbreaks

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Herpes is a virus that affects the human nervous system, modifying the DNA of the nerve cells supplying the skin through which the virus entered. Most patients suffer from recurrences that may vary in frequency from once in a lifetime to several recurrences a year. The average rate of recurrences is about four times per year. Recurrences usually take about a week or so to heal.

People living with herpes face a sad reality. There is no cure for the disease yet. Although encouraging research is progressing in the field, there is some sound advice that can be followed to control the relapse and frequency of outbreaks.

Some of these factors that believed to cause herpes outbreaks are:

- Excessive exposure to sunlight
- Chocolate, nuts and poor diet
- Lack of proper rest
- Menstrual cycle
- Emotional stress
- Physical stress or repetitive trauma such as in sexual intercourse
- Injury
- Illness accompanied by fever
- Surgical trauma
- Steroidal medication such as asthma medication

Stress is a major stimulant of recurrent herpes outbreaks. You cannot eliminate the stress in your life, but it certainly is possible to decrease the frequency of recurrences by controlling the stress level that we expose ourselves to. Getting plenty of rest and leading a balanced life is critical in controlling herpes outbreaks. Typically, important events involving an increased level of activity such as a wedding or graduation can trigger an outbreak. Each individual is different and will come to identify what triggers an outbreak in their particular case.

Managing genital herpes during pregnancy is very important to the health of the soon-to-be-born infant. Neonatal herpes although rare is a very serious condition. Infants exposed to herpes simplex virus can experience brain infection, seizures, prolonged hospitalization, mental retardation, and death if the infection takes hold.

Certain nutrients and vitamins such as beta-carotene, vitamin C & E and zinc can help prevent herpes outbreaks. It has been know for some time now that the amino acid lysine can help to reduce both the frequency and duration of outbreaks. Good sources of lysine can be obtained from the following foods: margarine, plain yogurt, Swiss cheese and other dairy products, whey, papaya and beets.

Since the recurrence pattern of herpes is almost as varied as the people who harbor the virus, you every precaution possible should be taken to keep the virus in remission.

Noah Rider maintains a website dedicated to herpes and alternative herpes treatments. http://www.my-herpes-cure.com

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Coping With Genital Herpes

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Is there life once you have acquired herpes? More specifically, is having an intimate sexual relationship still possible once you have had genital herpes? Ideally, you should not have any sexual contact once you have HSV infection. This would not benefit you, but it would help the rest of mankind.

Once you have been diagnosed as positive with genital herpes, it would be quite pointless to identify the source, since you may have had it for years already and the first outbreak only happened recently. What you needed to do is to take steps so that you may still live a relatively normal life. People with genital herpes do live normal lives.

And one of the first things to do is to have a capable health professional who is experienced in treating HSV infection. It is also important that you are able to communicate openly with your doctor. Don?t choose a doctor that you will feel uncomfortable with. HSV infection is a sensitive disease and can bring you several emotional problems. You do not need a doctor that adds to your burden.

Another important thing to do is to learn about the disease. You must understand how it is transmitted so that you can avoid spreading it to other people and prevent complications. Specifically, avoid touching the infected area no matter how itchy or painful it is. And when you do, wash your hands immediately. Otherwise, you'll run the risk of infecting your lips, eyes and even your brain.

If you already have a partner, discuss the situation with him or her. Chances are your partner may also have genital herpes but the symptoms just didn?t show. There will be emotional trials for both of you regarding your relationship, but you must stay mature above it all.

Together with your doctor, you may consider taking the acyclovir treatment. This can lessen the severity of the herpes blisters and can hasten the healing of the sores. You may also find out the periods in which you are most contagious. Some are most contagious at the time when the blisters begin to appear and others are most contagious either the week before or after the appearance of the blisters. You may also decide whether you will take the acyclovir when needed (as the blisters are about to appear) or will take this medication everyday (called suppressive therapy).

Most important of all, if you have genital herpes, you must tell your new sex partner about it, before you have any intimate contact. The decision to take the risk must be left to them.

Grace Palce is writing articles about herpes for the genital herpes site and hemorrhoids articles for the hemorrhoids treatment site.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Herpes And The Lysine Lie

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The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical studies to be an effective long term treatment for herpes and in the short term it has never been shown to be more effective than a garlic supplement. Long term use of lysine supplements suppress the arginine levels in your body to a point where it begins to impair your immune system because your immune system does actually need a certain amount of arginine to function properly.

Like all things in your body, balance is the key. Your immune system depends on a good balance between lysine and arginine and the best way to achieve this is to get your lysine through your diet the way your body was designed to instead of through a pill. Eat the foods high in lysine, avoid the foods high in arginine. Simple.

You cannot manage herpes just by popping a pill whether it comes from a drug company or a "natural health" company. This isn't "the valley of the dolls" you actually can get through life without being dependent on pills.

Real management of herpes means strenthening your immune system so that it can keep the virus in check which is what your body is designed to do. You can accomplish this through taking real herbal medicine from an herbalist or by making it yourself.

Real management of herpes also means making the effort to eat an appropriate diet, stress management, and working on your emotional and mental relationship with the disease.

It does take more work to take care of your body naturally than it does to pop a pill. I for one think your body's worth it. I think your life's worth it. Some would disagree, but at least I've made the point.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist

Christopher Scipio, is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.herpesnation.com

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How Can You Tell Someone Has Genital Herpes?

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How can you tell someone has genital herpes? Do you take a good look at the person? Do you ask and look straight in their eyes? Do you inquire about their sex lives? Well, my answer is no, maybe and maybe.

It may be a good idea to ask someone if they?re aware of having genital herpes. The more sexual partners a person has had in their lives, the more likely they?re to be infected by herpes. But these methods are quite insufficient. Did you know that the majority of people who have genital or oral herpes are not aware of it? So how do you explain that? Simple, many oral or genital herpes infected people just don?t have any herpes symptoms, others have some symptoms which are mild enough to confuse them with a rash or a mosquito bite or anything that may cause, redness, swelling, itching, burning and blisters, and some may not even know what herpes symptoms are.

The fact that somebody doesn?t have or recognize herpes symptoms doesn?t mean they don?t have it. About 25% of the US population is infected with genital herpes, with women being more affected than men. Studies have shown that the vast majority (80%-90%) of people who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the condition.

According to a recent paper published by Carnegie Mellon University in January 2006, most sexually active teenage girls know almost nothing about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), except AIDS, until it is too late. Another 2006 study led by Dr. Herbert Kaufman, Boyd Professor of Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, found herpes virus-1 in 98 percent of healthy participants. None of them displayed any symptoms; however they shed the herpes virus in their saliva and tears at least once during the course of the 30-day study. Even though this study didn?t target genital herpes directly, it demonstrates that most people can be totally unaware of carrying the virus and being infected by herpes.

Shed or shedding means that the virus is present on the skin and ready to be transmitted. Herpes is transmitted through skin contact 98% of the time. Studies have shown that shedding may occur in almost 40% of HSV-2 (usually associated with genital herpes) infected people. Asymptomatic viral shedding may last 1 to 5 days, meaning that a person can be contagious without presenting any symptoms at the time. The average duration of each period of viral shedding has been assessed through laboratory studies but is just an estimate.

So how can you tell for a fact if someone has genital herpes? The only way to know is to look at blood, PCR or swab test results. Swab and PCR tests are very accurate when they detect herpes. However, if a test was performed late or delivered to the lab late, it may return a false negative result. Western blot test, a blood test, is the most accurate test available but may return a false negative if the person tested was first infected within the past 3 months. So it is not easy to know if a person has genital herpes or not.

One last consideration, herpes Simplex 1 or HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes and cold sores and herpes simplex-2, genital herpes. But herpes virus-1 genital herpes is becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. It is mostly transmitted during oral sex from a person who?s having an oral herpes infection with or without symptoms. So if getting genital herpes is a concern to you, you should consider oral herpes as well as genital herpes when asking a partner.

As you can see, it is very difficult to assess if a partner has genital herpes. There are no proven products to prevent genital herpes transmission at the moment. Some are currently undergoing testing for FDA approval and will hopefully be marketed soon. In the meanwhile, the best option is using a condom.

Nathalie Foy is the author of http://Best-Herpes-Treatments.com which provides great information, tips, advice and product comparisons on medical, natural and herbal treatments for cold sores, oral and genital herpes. Visit her website at http://www.best-herpes-treatments.com.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Facts about Genital Herpes

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The following paragraphs summarize the work of Genital Herpes experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of Genital Herpes. Heed their advice to avoid any Genital Herpes surprises.

Thirty million people are affected every year with about 1.3 men to every woman. The disease is usually caused by the virus herpes simplex. It is transmitted via direct contact with an active sore or virus containing genital secretions. The virus can lie dormant for weeks months or even years before becoming active again, and it can be transmitted to another person even when there are no active symptoms present.

Genital herpes usually develops between two - twenty days after the first contact with the virus. Blisters and bumps appear around the genitalia, buttocks or anal area which itch, burn and tingle. If it's a first attack of genital herpes, other flu like symptoms also develops such as high temperature headaches etc.

Genital herpes can be diagnosed from observation of the infected genitalia and also samples taken from an infected sore or blister.

If suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes, it's important that any sexual contact with partners is kept to a bare minimum and if possible abstained from. Genital herpes is very contagious and be transmitted very easily to another person despite precautions being maintained. It's also important that on discovering you have the virus that all sexual partners are contacted and told you have the disease so they can be tested.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of Genital Herpes is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about Genital Herpes.

The best medication for genital herpes is Acyclovir which is a prescription only medication issued by your doctor. Acyclovir is very effective in reducing the frequency and duration of genital herpes outbreaks and can minimise outbreaks by up to 90%.

A complication of genital herpes includes a self infection of the eyes fingers and other parts of the body which may have come into contact with infected areas. It's important when suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes that you keep your fingers away from infected areas and ensure your hygiene is of the highest standard.

It's very tempting to use every possible medication you can think of to treat sores on your genitals, when in fact it's probably the worst thing you can do. The only ointment or medication should be applying to your genitals when infected with herpes is medication your doctor has subscribed, otherwise a mild soap and warm water is all you need to keep the area clean and dry.

Newborn babies can be susceptible to genital herpes, and it's important if you're pregnant you are vigilant about checking especially before the birth whether you have an outbreak or not. About 1000 babies a year are born to mothers with genital herpes and have the virus passed on to them. A baby who is born with genital herpes runs the risk of serious brain injury, eye and skin problems and even death. Your obstetrician may even decide that a caesarean section may be the safest option for your baby. Is there really any information about Genital Herpes that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

Please visit http://www.myhealth-info.com for more information on genital warts disease.


How Can You Tell Someone Has Genital Herpes?

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How can you tell someone has genital herpes? Do you take a good look at the person? Do you ask and look straight in their eyes? Do you inquire about their sex lives? Well, my answer is no, maybe and maybe.

It may be a good idea to ask someone if they?re aware of having genital herpes. The more sexual partners a person has had in their lives, the more likely they?re to be infected by herpes. But these methods are quite insufficient. Did you know that the majority of people who have genital or oral herpes are not aware of it? So how do you explain that? Simple, many oral or genital herpes infected people just don?t have any herpes symptoms, others have some symptoms which are mild enough to confuse them with a rash or a mosquito bite or anything that may cause, redness, swelling, itching, burning and blisters, and some may not even know what herpes symptoms are.

The fact that somebody doesn?t have or recognize herpes symptoms doesn?t mean they don?t have it. About 25% of the US population is infected with genital herpes, with women being more affected than men. Studies have shown that the vast majority (80%-90%) of people who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the condition.

According to a recent paper published by Carnegie Mellon University in January 2006, most sexually active teenage girls know almost nothing about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), except AIDS, until it is too late. Another 2006 study led by Dr. Herbert Kaufman, Boyd Professor of Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, found herpes virus-1 in 98 percent of healthy participants. None of them displayed any symptoms; however they shed the herpes virus in their saliva and tears at least once during the course of the 30-day study. Even though this study didn?t target genital herpes directly, it demonstrates that most people can be totally unaware of carrying the virus and being infected by herpes.

Shed or shedding means that the virus is present on the skin and ready to be transmitted. Herpes is transmitted through skin contact 98% of the time. Studies have shown that shedding may occur in almost 40% of HSV-2 (usually associated with genital herpes) infected people. Asymptomatic viral shedding may last 1 to 5 days, meaning that a person can be contagious without presenting any symptoms at the time. The average duration of each period of viral shedding has been assessed through laboratory studies but is just an estimate.

So how can you tell for a fact if someone has genital herpes? The only way to know is to look at blood, PCR or swab test results. Swab and PCR tests are very accurate when they detect herpes. However, if a test was performed late or delivered to the lab late, it may return a false negative result. Western blot test, a blood test, is the most accurate test available but may return a false negative if the person tested was first infected within the past 3 months. So it is not easy to know if a person has genital herpes or not.

One last consideration, herpes Simplex 1 or HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes and cold sores and herpes simplex-2, genital herpes. But herpes virus-1 genital herpes is becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. It is mostly transmitted during oral sex from a person who?s having an oral herpes infection with or without symptoms. So if getting genital herpes is a concern to you, you should consider oral herpes as well as genital herpes when asking a partner.

As you can see, it is very difficult to assess if a partner has genital herpes. There are no proven products to prevent genital herpes transmission at the moment. Some are currently undergoing testing for FDA approval and will hopefully be marketed soon. In the meanwhile, the best option is using a condom.

Nathalie Foy is the author of Best-Herpes-Treatments.com which provides great information, tips, advice and product comparisons on medical, natural and herbal treatments for cold sores, oral and genital herpes.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Herpes Symptom Man

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Health Complications With Genital Herpes

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Genital herpes in some people may never show symptoms, but for others, the symptoms become so severe that complications develop, especially if sores or herpes blisters appear in other areas of the body.

Cold sores on the lips, called ?herpes labialis?, are normally mild and may be considered a mere nuisance. But if these become prolonged, frequent, or severe, the use of antiviral treatments is recommended.

Blisters on the hands and fingers can also occur and it is called ?herpetic whitlow?. Since the hands can practically reach all parts of the body, it has the greatest capacity to spread the virus. To prevent such a disaster, the hands must be covered with plastic or rubber gloves.

There can be blisters on the anus, too. The infection is called ?herpes proctitis?. This infection is usually more painful and more distressing than genital herpes.

The eyes, especially that of the newborn, is also susceptible to the herpes virus. The infection is called ?herpes keratitis? or ?ocular herpes?. When this happens, or even when you only feel a painful irritation in your eyes, consult the doctor immediately. If ignored, herpes keratitis could lead to blindness.

Women who experience genital herpes outbreaks may also have vaginal yeast infections, called ?vulvovaginal dandidiasis?. There will be swelling, itching, and pain when the woman urinates or engages in a sexual activity. This is due to the presence of too many yeast organisms in the vagina. If you have vaginal yeast infections, it doesn?t mean that you also have genital herpes. The excess growth of yeast occurs for many reasons, such as when the woman is taking antibiotics or birth control pills, or when she is pregnant, or when she is wearing tight body-hugging clothes. Fortunately, with good hygiene, this type of infection disappears on its own.

Sometimes, the genital herpes virus can infect the cerebrospinal fluid and the tissues that surround the brain. This will result to meningitis and encephalitis. Meningitis is life-threatening especially when these occur: changes in vision, photophobia, drowsiness, bulging on the baby?s head, and seizures. Encephalitis happens when the brain becomes swollen. It is also a life-threatening complication and have similar symptoms to that of meningitis. It can also lead to coma.

Other internal organs, such as the joints, lungs, and liver, may suffer complications when a person has genital herpes. These complications occur in people with ineffective immune systems, such as those with HIV, diabetes or cancer and those who are undergoing chemotherapy.

To avoid complications, you must again recall that HSV survives in mucus and may affect any part of the body where mucus is found.

These sites about genital herpes and good health are both dedicated to help you find the best information available about genital herpes and other health issues.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Managing herpes

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Herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to be present in 50 to 80 percent of the American adult population. 20 percent, over 50 million people, are infected with genital herpes, also caused by the herpes simplex virus, and the majority of these cases may be unaware they even have it. Studies show that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes each year, and the largest increase is occurring in young teens. Some people are trying to self diagnose themselfs by using herpes pictures see: http://www.nicocure-guide.com/herpes-pictures , but the only right thing is to be diagnosed by specialist for right treatment. There is no cure for herpes to date. Supporting your immune system should be your first goal. A weakened immune system is more prone to outbreaks.Efforts to develop a herpes vaccine by biotechnology companies are ongoing. Until an effective herpes vaccine or cure for HSV infection is found, the prevailing approach to treatment continues to be suppressive antiviral therapy. Although there is no cure for herpes, some drugs have been effective in reducing the frequency and duration of outbreaks. It might be a good idea to discuss options with your doctor. During an outbreak, keep the infected area as clean and dry as possible. This will help your natural healing processes. Some doctors recommend warm showers in order to cleanse the infected area. Afterwards, towel dry gently, or dry the area with a hair dryer on a low or cool setting. To prevent chaffing, some people also find it helpful to avoid tight-fitting undergarments. Most creams and lotions do no good and may even irritate.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Managing herpes

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Herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to be present in 50 to 80 percent of the American adult population. 20 percent, over 50 million people, are infected with genital herpes, also caused by the herpes simplex virus, and the majority of these cases may be unaware they even have it. Studies show that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes each year, and the largest increase is occurring in young teens. Some people are trying to self diagnose themselfs by using herpes pictures see: http://www.nicocure-guide.com/herpes-pictures , but the only right thing is to be diagnosed by specialist for right treatment. There is no cure for herpes to date. Supporting your immune system should be your first goal. A weakened immune system is more prone to outbreaks.Efforts to develop a herpes vaccine by biotechnology companies are ongoing. Until an effective herpes vaccine or cure for HSV infection is found, the prevailing approach to treatment continues to be suppressive antiviral therapy. Although there is no cure for herpes, some drugs have been effective in reducing the frequency and duration of outbreaks. It might be a good idea to discuss options with your doctor. During an outbreak, keep the infected area as clean and dry as possible. This will help your natural healing processes. Some doctors recommend warm showers in order to cleanse the infected area. Afterwards, towel dry gently, or dry the area with a hair dryer on a low or cool setting. To prevent chaffing, some people also find it helpful to avoid tight-fitting undergarments. Most creams and lotions do no good and may even irritate.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Vaginal Yeast or Vaginal Herpes?

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Article Description: Vaginal yeast and vaginal herpes share similar symptoms. This article is designed to help women better understand what is vaginal yeast, vaginal herpes, their symptoms and to better make the difference between them.

Vaginal Yeast or Vaginal Herpes?

Vaginal yeast and vaginal herpes share similar symptoms. Vaginal yeast is very common among women. Actually 3/4 of women have one vaginal yeast episode in their lives and half of them have several episodes. Vaginal herpes or genital herpes is less common but rapidly spreading. About 25% of all pregnant women have genital herpes and 20% of the population has genital herpes. I believe these figures are underrated. Women are more likely to get genital herpes than men and genital herpes contamination in the US increased by 30% from the late 70's to the early 90's and keeps increasing on a daily basis.

Vaginal yeast is caused by fungi called Candida albicans. They are tiny organisms that normally live in small numbers on the skin and inside the vagina. The vaginal environment is naturally acidic. When its fragile PH balance is disturbed and becomes less acidic yeast starts overgrowing causing vaginal yeast infection. Many things can modify vaginal acidic balance; periods, pregnancy, diabetes, some antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, friction and so forth. I actually got vaginal yeast from a swimming pool. It seemed the chloride it contained was too strong.

Vaginal or genital herpes is caused by a virus that is usually transmitted from skin to skin contact during sexual intercourse. The virus may remain dormant for a while and when triggered cause an infection. Vaginal herpes triggers are not as easily identified as for vaginal yeast. But they usually are associated with periods or menstruation, long-term stress and anything that could weaken your immune system.

Vaginal yeast and vaginal herpes can both cause vaginal discharge, burning, itching, irritation, redness, bladder infection like symptoms, swelling and blisters. So how do we sort them out? Here are a few pointers. Vaginal herpes itching and burning is usually restricted to one or two specific locations whereas vaginal yeast may cause itching everywhere in the vagina and the vulva. The same thing applies for swelling. Vaginal herpes may cause a lump somewhere in the vulva or vagina but not cause general swelling of the vulva except maybe in very severe first herpes episodes. Vaginal discharge associated with vaginal yeast is usually odorless and white or watery whereas when associated with herpes it can be thick, smelly and yellow. Symptoms vary greatly from woman to woman. Blisters are not very common for vaginal yeast whereas they are part of the normal symptoms of genital herpes. Genital herpes blisters usually turn into sores, then crusts and back into healthy skin within a few days. Blisters and crusts are not usually associated with candida albicans infections. During a herpes infection, flu like symptoms may appear 24 to 48 hours before any itchiness is perceived especially during the first episode. This is not the case with vaginal yeast infections.

If you have any doubts and blisters start forming you may want to visit your doctor immediately to have a swab test performed. Swab tests are performed locally to detect the presence of herpes in a blister. The sooner you take the test, the better because result accuracy is optimal when samples are obtained before any sores have appeared.

I hope this article will help you better understand the differences between vaginal yeast and vaginal herpes. It is recommended for both conditions to use cotton underwear and loose clothing and avoid friction. So it may be a good idea to follow these guidelines anyway.

Nathalie Foy is the author of Best Herpes Treatments which provides great information, tips and advice, products comparison, on medical, natural and herbal treatments for cold sores, oral and genital herpes. Visit her website at Best Herpes Treatments.com

Nathalie Foy is the author of Best Herpes Treatments which provides great information, tips and advice, products comparison, on medical, natural and herbal treatments for cold sores, oral and genital herpes. Visit her website at Best Herpes Treatments.com

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How To Deal With Herpes Rejection

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He or She Just Aint That Into You.

If you have herpes and have the integrity to tell someone about it before you get sexually involved and they reject you because of it, it is one of the most devastating forms of rejection imaginable. Just as bad as being rejected because of your race, or physical disability or anything else not under your control, and just as ignorant and intolerable.

When the people I treat tell me their rejection stories I feel for them. Some are so shaken by it that they stop dating for years or ghettoize themselves to only dating others with herpes.

What I say to them is that "He or She was Just not that into You". No one who really wants a person, and I do mean want the person, the whole person and the package that comes with them, will reject them just because they have herpes. Who would want that kind of superficial love anyways?

Herpes is a great litmus test to let you know who really cares about you and desires you.

It reasonable for someone to want the risks and consequences explained to them. It's reasonable for someone not to be enthusiastic about you having herpes- who would be? But anyone who really loved or or though you were sexy before finding out about your herpes will still think so afterwards.

When you further explain to them that you are managing your herpes with herbal medicine or drug therapy and that you practice safer sex with a condom and an anti-viral gel there should be no reason for them not to want to sex you up right then and there.

What it all comes to is fear. Do not be afraid of being rejected because of having herpes.

Dear member of the Herpes Nation: Hold you head up high. Remember who you are. How special you are. How deserving you are of love and all it's fruits. Don't let anyone diss you or make you feel less than. Anyone who wants you must accept the whole package of your life. Don't settle for anything less than that.

If you've been rejected or made to feel less than. Remember that although you cannot control what happens to you in this life you can control how you choose to react to whatever happens. You are still a prize and whoever is fortunate enough to be in your life is blessed.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist

Christopher Scipio is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Incredible, Mystical, Formidable Herpes Virus

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You are one of the oldest forms of life on this planet. Yet you are not truly alive. Instead you walk the shadow-world between life and non-life.

You are feared by all, Revered by none.

You infect all vertebrates and many invertebrates.

You are one of the driving forces in evolution. Your genes have been incorporated into our genes.

You are a wonder of engineering and adaptability.

You are ruthless in your primal drive to survive.

You are the life-long uninvited guest in my body.

You are a red-hot wonder when active. Yet will lie dormant for decades like a seed in the dessert waiting for an opportune moment.

You are the Herpes Simplex Virus.

MEMO TO THE HERPERS VIRUS: You need to hire a PR firm.

Although one of the least damaging viruses, milder even than its relatives the chicken-pox/shingles virus and the mono/chronic fatigue virus- Herpes is feared, scorned, reviled like almost no other disease in modern times. It's a simple sexually-transmitted skin infection classified as a minor disease in dermatological textbooks. But it's sexually transmitted and of course anything related to sex in this sexually conflicted society comes under the prevue of religious conservatives and those with unresolved sexual hang-ups.

Herpes isn't one of the bad viruses that will kill it's host. It is a virus that merely wishes to take up permanent residence in a host and remain dormant for long periods of time. Some studies suggest that up to 70% of those infected by herpes simplex do not have outbreaks that they can detect.

Herpes is a wonder of engineering. The debate in the scientific community about whether or not viruses are actually alive continues. Viruses lack the ability to survive and reproduce on their own. They are entirely dependant on having a host. The herpes virus is actually very similar to a computer virus in the way it behaves. Like a computer virus, herpes simplex penetrates into your hardware/body, re-programmes your operating system/dna to change the way your computer/body behaves and make billions of copies of itself. Viruses come close to fitting the definition of being alive but they stay on the boundary between life and ab-life. Viruses can grow in dead human cells and even have the ability to bring them back to life. Viruses can even stage their own resurrection. Even if you manage to destroy massive amount of a virus in your body, if there was more than one copy of the virus in any one cell, the virus can resurrect itself by playing Dr. Frankenstein, piecing together parts from more than one dead virus to create a new living whole virus.

The herpes virus like no other virus I know of has the ability to compel the host cell its has invaded to change it's shape and turn itself into a tunnel to the next healthy cell so that herpes can move from cell to cell without exposing itself to your blood stream. This way your immune system has no chance of detecting and destroying it.

Just as impressive is the strategy the virus employs of only sending 50% of active virus during an outbreak to the surface of the skin. The other 50% of the activated virus it sends to infect uninfected cells. Thus it is never in danger of being wiped out of your body.

Viruses have been one of the key players in the evolution of humans and other animal life. When a virus has infected us in the past if it has any genes which are useful to our evolution those genes have been incorporated into our genome. When that same virus mutates, again if there are any useful new genes our bodies have in our evolutionary past incorporated those new genes into our dna. Since viruses mutate faster than we can they have had a profound influence on how we have evolved, as have bacteria. It can be argued that viruses have probably had more of an effect on our evolution than climate change or other changes in our environment since those changes will always happen much more slowly than the mutation of viruses and bacteria.

The word herpes comes from the Greek "to creep". Herpes was certainly an issue even to the ancient Greeks. Herpes can indeed creep from cell to cell undetected by the immune system. Herpes can creep from one outbreak location to others. Herpes does indeed creep from an infected person to an uninfected person. Herpes has been around for 140 million years and will be around long after we're gone from this planet. We still don't know a great deal about the herpes simplex virus. I have no doubt that as we get to know this virus better and better it will become harder not to acknowledge it an engineering marvel, a great survivor and evolutionary instigator.

Christopher Scipio, is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com

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Can Genital Herpes Be Avoided?

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Many kinds of diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like genital herpes, can be avoided if a person is conscientious enough in practicing health habits. For genital herpes, the adage ?an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure? is appropriate. In fact, there is no vaccine against genital herpes.

Abstinence is definitely the most effective way of avoiding genital herpes and any other STDs. Having no sexual contact with anyone assures you that you will never be exposed to genital herpes.

However, abstinence can never be the choice of many people. And so, the next best thing is fidelity. It means that you must maintain a strictly monogamous relationship with a partner who has no genital herpes. This must be a two-way street. That is, you don?t have multiple sex partners, and your partner doesn?t maintain other sex partners. Having several sexual adventures may turn out to be nightmares in the end.

Unfortunately, finding one true love could be a trial and error process for some people. And so, to avoid genital herpes, the third best thing is being responsible. That is, you must practice safe sex.

Before starting a sexual relationship with a new partner, talk about STDs. It is probably not the most scintillating and romantic topic you could think of, but it is a vital one. Find out if your potential sex partner may have been exposed to the HSV virus. Having blisters and sores in the genital area and in the lips and mouth are hazardous signs. But you must also remember the fact that a person infected with HSV or any STD may never show any symptom. Thus, find out about your potential partner?s lifestyle, health history and sex history. If you are the 100th partner, think twice before consulting to a more intimate relationship. Prowess acquired due to experience may not always be a good thing.

Safe sex also means the use of condoms. Condoms, even if used properly, do not entirely prevent the transmission of genital herpes. But they do reduce the risk of acquiring STDs. Sometimes, the sores of genital herpes spread to the anus, the buttocks, and the thighs. These areas could not be covered by condoms. If your sex partner has genital herpes and the sores are limited to a small area, then either male or female condoms can be used. But let us reiterate that condoms do not offer 100% protection.

If pregnant, do everything in your power to avoid HSV infection, so that you do not endanger the health and life of your newborn.

If you are already infected with genital herpes, then have mercy and give others the chance to avoid your disease: avoid any sexual contact.

Chris Locker is writing articles about herpes for the genital herpes site and hemorrhoids articles for the hemorrhoids treatment site.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Herpes 101 ? An Introduction To The Herpes Simplex Virus

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There is often great confusion when it comes to herpes. Just the word ?herpes? often conjures up images of a particularly nasty sexually transmitted disease. But did you know that herpes actually stems from a virus known as the herpes simplex virus? And were you aware, that the chances are that you have already caught it at some stage during your life? In fact, statistics show that around 85% of the world?s population has been infected, and it is in fact the hardest virus to control known to man. However, this is often where the confusion stems from. You see, there are two strains of the virus, known as herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2).

Herpes simplex 1 is the most common strain and is the cause of cold sores and fever blisters that appear around the mouth, lips and gums. Now everyone?s heard of a cold sore, but did you know that it is in fact oral herpes. Despite around 85% of the population being infected with HSV-1, not all people will develop cold sores or lesions around the mouth. This is because each person?s immune system is unique and many are able to suppress an outbreak. Instead, the virus lies dormant, although a carrier will still be able to pass the virus on under certain conditions.

The second strand of the virus, herpes simplex 2, is the virus responsible for genital herpes. Genital herpes is one of the most prevalent STDs, and more worryingly, research shows that there has been 32% rise in the U.S alone between 1978 and 1990. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 5 American teenagers and adults is infected with HSV-2. The symptoms of genital herpes usually occur within 2 weeks of contracting the virus. The area infected can include the genitals, rectum, buttocks, thighs, or any other part of the body where the virus could have entered through broken skin. Small red bumps appear first which develop into itchy blisters. Other common symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, difficulty urinating, vaginal discharge and swollen glands in the groin area.

The symptoms usually last 1-2 weeks. Once infected, HSV remains in the nerve cells of your body for life, and outbreaks (recurrence) can occur several times a year. Despite there still being no cure, scientists are confident that a vaccination will be developed in the next 5 years. However, an effective treatment to reduce the pain and recurrence of symptoms is Acyclovir (Zovirax), which is an antiviral medication. This can be taken in an ointment form, liquid, orally, or even intravenously depending on the severity of the outbreak. Always consult your doctor before taking any new course of medication.

An old clich? is that prevention is better than cure, and this certainly applies to herpes. Never engage in oral sex if your partner has either mouth herpes or genital herpes. Never share towels, cutlery or a toothbrush with an infected person. Always practice safe sex. Using a condom can significantly reduce the risk of transmission, although it is by no means 100% effective, since it may not cover all infected areas. Valtrex, recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, may offer the best hope to sufferers at the present time. It can significantly reduce the chance of transmission, although the person infected must take it continuously.

 Caroline Smith is an author and regular contributor to http://www.about-herpes.com ? An educational resource with information on genital herpes, cold sores, shingles and other diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Herpes Encephalitis

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Equine Herpes Virus Attacks the Tracks

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Maryland horses won't be accepted in Gulfstream Park or Palm Meadows Training Center. This was decided to protect other horses from getting contaminated of the equine herpes virus that is affecting some of these animals.

They won't be accepting horses that have been raced or stabled in Maryland since Jan 1st, 2006.

Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore is under quarantine. The Maryland Jockey Club announced that Pimlico is going to be closed until further notice.

The virus is also known as "rhino". The main symptoms of this illness are: upper respiratory infection and may cause neurological disease. Eleven horses have shown symptoms of the virus and two were sacrificed.

But this hasn't only affected Pimlico, at Laurel Park the decision has affected this week's racing card: on Wednesday for example, instead of nine races there will only be eight because the number of horses that have been entered for that day's program is less than 60.

Penn National, like most other tracks in the region, is not accepting Maryland horses as entries. It also is not taking any horse that has competed or worked at a Maryland track since Jan. 9.

Julie Smith is one of the most recognized copy writers on Sports and currently writes for www.instantactionsports.com Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety on your site, make sure to leave all links in place and do not modify any of the content.

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Friday, September 7, 2007

The Demonization Of Genital Herpes

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Those of us who have so-called ?genital herpes? are caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand we are ostracized by the minority of the population (about 40%) who don?t currently have herpes simplex in their body, which is bad enough, but more cruelly we are often isolated by our fellow members of the herpes community who have so-called cold sores (heroes simplex 1 of the mouth and face). Frankly the lack of support form the majority of population who has cold sores bothers me far more than the stigma placed on me by unsympathetic members of the uninfected population. After-all they don?t know what it feels like to have herpes so I can cut them some slack. But for those of you who have cold sores and continue pretending that you don?t have herpes and who distance yourselves from those who have their outbreaks genitally rather than facially- shame on you. If it wasn?t for your unwillingness to come to terms with the reality of your herpes infection, the herpes community would be a more united majority of the population far more empowered to boldly go out into the community and reject the unjust and irrational stigma placed on people with herpes.

Sixty percent of the population has herpes. We are living in a herpes nation. There is no reason for us to be a despised minority. If we were more united and more out of the closet we would be in a so much better position to inspire understanding and support from those who do not have herpes. We would be better able to educate young people on herpes prevention and herpes awareness. We would be better able to reach out to the people with herpes who have had their self-esteem devastated.

So-called cold sores are herpes. I have had too many people in my clinic and through the Internet say to me, ?I don?t have herpes, I?ve never had an STD, but I do get these cold sores on my lips?.

Herpes is herpes whether you get your outbreaks above the waist or below the waist. It?s true that people with type 1 herpes of the mouth and face often have fewer outbreaks than people with herpes type 2 of the genitals, but it is also true that herpes of the mouth and face is just as contagious if not more so than genital herpes. It is also true that many people with type 1 herpes of the mouth and face shed virus without symptoms and are giving many people type 1 herpes on their genitals from oral sex. It is also true that herpes of the mouth and face can spread to parts of the body that genital herpes rarely ever spreads to including the nostrils and into the brain, the hands and fingers, down the esophagus and into the stomach, into the eyes, and elsewhere.

For those who don?t have herpes and give people with herpes a rough time, I really have no words for you. If you believe that having genital herpes is an indication of promiscuity or moral deficiency then you are probably too far-gone for anything I say here to reach you. And for the record I don?t think there?s anything inherently wrong with promiscuity. I got my herpes in the context of a monogamous relationship but I wouldn?t feel bad about myself if I had been infected by herpes through promiscuity. How you got herpes is irrelevant. Herpes is a virus. Viruses have different strategies for gaining access to our bodies. A virus that chooses sex as it?s preferred method of infection is less scary to me than an airborne virus that indiscriminately devastates huge populations in a matter of days.

Jesus said ?let he is who is without sin cast the first stone?. I say let he or she who is without a virus cast the first stone. Between the Chicken-Pox virus (a member of the herpes family), the Epstein-Barr virus (another member of the herpes family), the HPV virus (genital warts and cervical dysplasia) and Herpes Simplex there is virtually no adult reading this article who doesn?t currently have a virus in their body and except for the HPV virus, these viruses are lifelong infections and that?s without even discussing bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa.

Herpes has been around since the time of the dinosaurs and affects akmost every animal with a backbone including cats and elephants and many animals without a backbone. In fact cats and elephants are dying of herpes. I know that cats can be randy but I have never heard of anyone accusing elephants of being promiscuous. If anyone has ever seen an elephant orgy let me know so that I can print a retraction.

When someone has the integrity and courage to tell you that they have herpes they are making themselves vulnerable to you. How you react can often either crush them or help set them free from a prison of shame. I believe that most people are intelligent and compassionate. Please treat people with herpes with the compassion and understanding we deserve. We are the same people we were before we got herpes. We are no less moral, no less attractiv, just as good in bed, just as good of a friend or son or daughter or brother or sister as we were before we got herpes. When someone tells you they have herpes if you treat them unsympathetically it only discourages them for telling others about their herpes in the future, which isn?t a good situation for anyone. When someone tells you they have herpes it?s an opportunity and challenge to you to show that you are not prejudiced and mean-spirited. It is a chance for us all to create more love and understanding.

For those of us who have genital herpes - don?t buy into the lies and myths that make you ashamed and marginalized. You can choose not to let herpes define you and dominate your life. No one can take away your power and dignity except for yourself.

When someone gives you a bad time for having herpes instead of dwelling too long in anger or sadness, just ?forgive them for they know not what they do?. Embrace all the beauty and love around you and if there isn?t enough beauty and love, create it. You are a human being equipped with infinite potential for loving and appreciating the wonders of this world.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist

Christopher Scipio is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com" target="_blank">http://www.natropractica.com

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Love in a Time of Herpes

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Love in a Time of Herpes

I was born in 1965- a year often considered the first year of "generation-x". The previous generation- the baby-boomers like my parents, grew up in a time of free love. My mother didn't take advantage of this but my father sure did, but that's another story.

Us gen-x'ers were the first generation to have to deal with AIDS and the fallout from it. Instead of the sexual revolution we had fear and loathing in our own pants.

Now as a Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist I treat a lot of teenagers and people in the early twenties who are exploring their sexuality in a time were we are no longer nearly as afraid of AIDS as we were in the eighties but where almost everyone has herpes. I often see girls as young as 15 who already have herpes and who got it from their first sexual experience. No one told them they could get herpes from fellatio. No one told them much of anything about sexually transmitted infections. It's a sad sad thing to have to tell a teenager that they now have a life-long incurable disease and have to warn potential sex partners about it beforehand. This sentence drives many to the brink of despair. One 17 year old who got herpes from her first and only sex partner was crying hysterically on the phone with me, asking how in her small town of 1500 people can she tell anyone that she has herpes? She said she won't date or have sex again until she moves far away, and I believe her.

With oral sex being as common as hand-shakes used to be, why aren't we educating grade school students about sexually transmitted infections? Very few of the most at-risk population know that they can catch or pass on herpes when there are no signs of an outbreak. They don't know that they can get herpes on their genitals from contact with people who get cold sores on their mouth. They aren't empowered to say no way when they encounter sores and rashes and are told that "they are nothing".

Further exasperating the situation is the porn industry being a bad role model. Like myself and most my generation, young people these days get a lot of their sex education from being exposed to porn. In the adult film industry condoms are almost never worn during oral sex and only worn during anal and oral sex about 40% of the time. I did three years of research into the adult film industry and learned that porn performers are tested monthly or more often for HIV but are rarely tested for herpes or HPV. Very few porn performers admit their herpes infections for fear of losing work and a backlash from their fans. What kind of society do we live in where even porn performers are afraid to admit that they have herpes?

My older patients don't tend to fare much better than the younger ones. They don't know the facts about love in a time of herpes and most didn't do much to try and educate themselves. And for the ones that do try to educate themselves through the internet they are confronted with a wilderness of websites saying many contradictory things, spreading a lot of misinformation and luring people with magical quick-fixes and snake oils. The message doesn't seem to be getting out to people that there are no quick-fixes for a life-long viral infection, that herpes cannot be managed with topical oils, or creams or liquids and that herbal medicine or drug therapy combined with proper diet, stress reduction and making peace with herpes are the only ways I have seen in my 15 years of experience to successfully manage herpes over the long-haul.

Because the fear of catching the HIV virus isn't what it used to be, too many people are becoming complacent about practicing safer sex. Many tell me they don't want to use condoms because of the lack of spontaneity. Many want the risk and pleasure of unprotected sex. I can relate to all of this, I don't particularly like condoms myself. But in this day and age it is not smart to have unprotected sex with someone you are not very sure you are in a monogamous relationship with. Unless this is the case do use a condom/dental dam or anti-viral gel or better yet use them both together. Oral sex is sex and is risky sex so do practice safer sex with fellatio and cunnilingus as well.

Before the sex comes the sex-conversation. A conversation many people never have before getting together. It is your right and responsibility to ask a potential sex partner what their history of sexually transmitted infections is, and use your best lie-detecting skills when listening. You must volunteer the same information yourself. Please do understand that most people have never had a real herpes test in their life. Regular STD testing panels do not test for herpes or genital warts. Swabbing is an unreliable way of testing for herpes. So unless your potential sex partner has had a recent type-specific serum blood test for herpes like the western-blot test, they have no way of knowing if they have herpes or not and so then neither do you.

Unless someone has had a recent herpes test, I recommend that you assume that they have herpes and use a condom/dental dam combined with an anti-viral prophylactic gel. Government statistics show that anyone who has had more than 2 sex partners has a 20% chance of having herpes. More than four sex partners gives you a 40% chance of having herpes and more than 6 sex partners gives you a 60% chance of having herpes. And of course herpes is only one of many sexually transmitted infections a person could have.

I invite you to read my articles called "I have Herpes, Don't You" and "The Demonization of Genital Herpes".

If anyone is elusive or sketchy about wanting to discuss their sexual health it's best to assume that they have something they are trying to hide. I don't mean to sound harsh or cynical- I'm an idealist by nature, but I have listened to too many of my patients grieving over the fact that they were deceived by the person who infected them with herpes. You lose nothing by being careful and looking out for your own best interests.

In both the swinger and BDSM communities people are reluctant to admit to casual sex partners that the have herpes for fear of "ruining the party" or being excluded. It is rarely discussed at sex clubs, at orgies, or "play parties". People are having sex with others without warning them that they have herpes. Out of fairness I must state that some people in these communities do advise potential sex partners that they have herpes-but they are in the minority. I have seen very few leaders in these communities publically discuss herpes awareness. Again I find it very vexing and disappointing that even the most sexually adventurous people in our society are afraid to talk about herpes or are too complacent about it.

I know it's a bummer but this is the reality of love and sex in a time of herpes. Love and love abundantly, but please be careful out there.

Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Viral Specialist http://www.natropractica.com

Christopher Scipio , is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com

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How to Deal with Herpes Rejection

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He or She Just Aint That Into You.

If you have herpes and have the integrity to tell someone about it before you get sexually involved and they reject you because of it, it is one of the most devastating forms of rejection imaginable. Just as bad as being rejected because of your race, or physical disability or anything else not under your control, and just as ignorant and intolerable.

When the people I treat tell me their rejection stories I feel for them. Some are so shaken by it that they stop dating for years or ghettoize themselves to only dating others with herpes.

What I say to them is that "He or She was Just not that into You". No one who really wants a person, and I do mean want the person, the whole person and the package that comes with them, will reject them just because they have herpes. Who would want that kind of superficial love anyways?

Herpes is a great litmus test to let you know who really cares about you and desires you.

It reasonable for someone to want the risks and consequences explained to them. It's reasonable for someone not to be enthusiastic about you having herpes- who would be? But anyone who really loved or or though you were sexy before finding out about your herpes will still think so afterwards.

When you further explain to them that you are managing your herpes with herbal medicine or drug therapy and that you practice safer sex with a condom and an anti-viral gel there should be no reason for them not to want to sex you up right then and there.

What it all comes to is fear. Do not be afraid of being rejected because of having herpes.

Dear member of the Herpes Nation: Hold you head up high. Remember who you are. How special you are. How deserving you are of love and all it's fruits. Don't let anyone diss you or make you feel less than. Anyone who wants you must accept the whole package of your life. Don't settle for anything less than that.

If you've been rejected or made to feel less than. Remember that although you cannot control what happens to you in this life you can control how you choose to react to whatever happens. You are still a prize and whoever is fortunate enough to be in your life is blessed.

Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Viral Specialist http://www.natropractica.com

Christopher Scipio is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why Everyone Needs a Blood Test for Herpes

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Why Everyone Needs a Blood Test for Herpes.

I have herpes, don't you?

You don't?

Are you sure?

I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.

Unless you have had a recent type-specific blood test to test for the presence of herpes simplex antibodies you cannot say with any certainty that you don't have herpes.

You think that only 20% of the population has herpes?

Think again.

You may have heard that one out of every five people has herpes, but that number is untrue and a distortion of the facts. The truth is that at least 60% of the adult population has herpes.

Some people for reasons known only to them decided to exclude people who get herpes above the waist- people who get so-called "cold sores" on their mouths and faces, from the herpes statistics commonly reported in the media, then reporting only the percentage of people who get herpes below the waist- so-called genital herpes. This makes no sense at all since the scientific literature doesn't classify herpes simplex 1 (cold sores) as a different disease as herpes simplex 2 (genital herpes)- but rather as two different types of the same disease which are almost identical genetically, and since many of the new cases of herpes of the genital area are actually caused by people getting herpes simplex 1 on their genitals from oral sex. There really is no such thing as " cold sores" -it is simplex herpes simplex 1 of the mouth or face. And those who have it need not be in denial pretending that it's anything other than herpes simplex. The truth is that you can get herpes simplex 1 on almost any part of your body including your nose, your elbows, your fingers, your stomach, your genitals, your anus, etc. The truth is that herpes simplex is herpes simplex and it is only misleading to not include the people with herpes simplex 1 in herpes statistics.

Somewhere between 20 and 25% of the population get their herpes sores below the waist and somewhere between 50 and 80% of the population gets their herpes sores above the waist. If you factor in the number of people who have both herpes 1 and 2 at the same time, you are left understanding that at least 60% of the population has herpes simplex. Which rings true when you consider that 70% of the adult population has HPV (genital warts or cervical dysplasia) and that 80% of the adult population has had chlamydia at least once.

This is the reality of our times. There is almost no adult who has had more than six sex partners who hasn't caught a sexually transmitted infection. Including yourself. Including myself.

You say you've been tested before for sexually transmitted diseases and are clean?

I wouldn't be so sure. Herpes and HPV are almost never included in routine testing for sexually transmitted infections. Some doctors have the attitude of "Almost everyone tests positive for herpes so why bother testing". Unless you have specifically asked for a type-specific blood test for herpes such as the Western Blot test you have probably never had an accurate herpes test. Swabbing for the presence of herpes can and often does render false negative tests. I know that from personal experience. The doctors told me twice that I didn't have herpes before accurately testing me positive for herpes although I had already had a very obvious primary outbreak.

I strongly encourage you to get a type-specific blood test for herpes if you believe that you don't have herpes or are unsure of your herpes status. If you test negative for herpes it will allow you to make some decisions regarding safer sexuality to help keep you herpes free for the rest of your sexual history. If you test positive for herpes it will allow you to decide to treat your herpes and make safer sex choices to help you to not infect others and make this epidemic worse. Not only is it the ethical thing to do it is also the sane thing to do since herpes makes you more vulnerable to HIV and HPV and may have some possible links to certain types of cancer and alzheimers. If you don't know you won't get treatment. Knowledge is empowering. Denial is irresponsible.

You say you are sure you don't have herpes because you haven't had an outbreak?

Most people with herpes, maybe up to 70% don't get noticeable outbreaks. You may be having sub-clinical (subtle) outbreaks or may be shedding virus asymptomatically (without symptoms). You could be infecting others with herpes without knowing it.

Don't be afraid of getting a herpes test. Herpes can be effectively treated by a combination of diet, stress reduction and herbal medicine or by drug therapy. There is no cure but it possible to go years between outbreaks.

I still believe that most people when given a choice prefer to the do the right thing. Getting tested for herpes is the right thing.

If you have any questions about how to treat your herpes holistically feel free to contact me through my websites:

A great resource for learning about herpes is the international herpes resource center


Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist http://www.natropractica.com

Christopher Scipio , is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com

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Herpes Cure

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dating With Herpes

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Most people suffer from broken relationships and tend to move on in search of new relationships but the emotional impact of the relationships that have floundered makes it more difficult to pursue the process of dating.

The situation worsens if you are dating with herpes, as you would be constantly living with the possibility of getting rejected and ridiculed.

Many people suffering from herpes prefer to pursue a solitary life rather than indulge in herpes dating.

More often than not, people reject and ridicule others suffering from herpes due to their own ignorance of matters relating to sexually transmitted diseases.

In fact, isn't it better to date a person who admits suffering from herpes rather than dating someone whom you don't know and most probably who might be suffering from herpes as do about 90% of the population and don't know about it. Dating with herpes has the advantage of the honesty factor involved in it.

The very fact that dating with herpes is based on a solid foundation of trust makes this relationship less of a risk as the frank communication reduces the risk of transmission.

Moreover, dating with herpes gives rise to a relationship that does not base itself on sex alone but explores alternatives in intimacy.

People suffering and dating with herpes can undergo treatment of herpes that would minimize the risk of transmission.

Herpes can be controlled with H-balm to increase the time for healing of the lesions so that the patient can regain a normal life.

Sara Brown is the web owner of http://www.InfoOnlineDating.com Online Dating, a website that provides information and resources on personals, dating, and singles. You can visit her website at: http://www.InfoOnlineDating.com

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How do I know if I have genital herpes?

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How do I know if I have genital herpes?

Despite the fact that millions of Americans are living with genital herpes, the disease can be surprisingly difficult to detect in some cases. However, many people with genital herpes have at least some detectable signs.

The most obvious sign of genital herpes is the appearance of red bumps in and/or around the genital area, often starting around two weeks after the initial exposure to herpes. The bumps may spread to the anus and/or surrounding skin, and in some cases also develop within the vagina and/or urinary tract. These bumps turn into blisters, which in turn become sores. Often these sores become encrusted and very itchy; after a period of time, however, they will clear up. An outbreak can involve a large number of sores, but can just as easily involve just a single one.

Because genital herpes is incurable, these outbreaks will recur over time. Certain medications are available to increase the length of time in-between herpes outbreaks.

Other symptoms of genital herpes may or may not accompany an outbreak. These include a reddening and/or sudden extreme dryness of the genital area; a burning, itching, and/or painful sensation in the genital area; vaginal discharge; difficulty urinating; headache; fever; and/or swollen glands.

The most difficult aspect of genital herpes, and a large contributor to its spread, is that the herpes virus can remain inactive in many individuals and never cause them to show any signs or symptoms of the condition. However, they are still able to spread genital herpes to others. Many times the symptoms of genital herpes are confused with other conditions, such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and even ingrown hairs.

While it's important to know and be able to recognize the symptoms of genital herpes, you should always seek an official diagnosis from a medical professional if you are at all concerned that you may have contracted the disease. Only they will be able to say for certain whether your symptoms are the result of herpes. If you do have genital herpes, they can provide you with medication and important information necessary to handle the condition.

If you are currently experiencing an outbreak of genital herpes, a doctor can diagnose your condition visually. A blood test or a viral culture can also check for the herpes simplex virus, although results can be vague and/or inaccurate in many cases. Two different strains of the herpes simplex virus lead to genital herpes: HSV-1 and HSV-2. The former, HSV-1, can indicate any form of herpes, including mouth sores, and does not necessarily translate into a genital herpes diagnosis. However, HSV-2 is almost always linked to genital herpes, and is a more reliable sign of the disease.

Disclaimer: This article is for information only and you should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.

Robert Green knows that 1 in 5 Americans has Genital Herpes. For more information on symptoms and what to do visit: http://www.Genital-Herpes-Solutions.com.

Robert Green knows that 1 in 5 Americans has Genital Herpes. For more information on symptoms and what to do visit: http://www.Genital-Herpes-Solutions.com.

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Herpes 101 - An Introduction To The Herpes Simplex Virus

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There is often great confusion when it comes to herpes. Just the word "herpes" often conjures up images of a particularly nasty sexually transmitted disease. But did you know that herpes actually stems from a virus known as the herpes simplex virus? And were you aware, that the chances are that you have already caught it at some stage during your life? In fact, statistics show that around 85% of the world's population has been infected, and it is in fact the hardest virus to control known to man. However, this is often where the confusion stems from. You see, there are two strains of the virus, known as herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2).

Herpes simplex 1 is the most common strain and is the cause of cold sores and fever blisters that appear around the mouth, lips and gums. Now everyone's heard of a cold sore, but did you know that it is in fact oral herpes. Despite around 85% of the population being infected with HSV-1, not all people will develop cold sores or lesions around the mouth. This is because each person's immune system is unique and many are able to suppress an outbreak. Instead, the virus lies dormant, although a carrier will still be able to pass the virus on under certain conditions.

The second strand of the virus, herpes simplex 2, is the virus responsible for genital herpes. Genital herpes is one of the most prevalent STDs, and more worryingly, research shows that there has been 32% rise in the U.S alone between 1978 and 1990. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 5 American teenagers and adults is infected with HSV-2. The symptoms of genital herpes usually occur within 2 weeks of contracting the virus. The area infected can include the genitals, rectum, buttocks, thighs, or any other part of the body where the virus could have entered through broken skin. Small red bumps appear first which develop into itchy blisters. Other common symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, difficulty urinating, vaginal discharge, and swollen glands in the groin area.

The symptoms usually last 1-2 weeks. Once infected, HSV remains in the nerve cells of your body for life, and outbreaks (recurrence) can occur several times a year. Despite there still being no cure, scientists are confident that a vaccination will be developed in the next 5 years. However, an effective treatment to reduce the pain and recurrence of symptoms is Acyclovir (Zovirax), which is an antiviral medication. This can be taken in an ointment form, liquid, orally, or even intravenously depending on the severity of the outbreak. Always consult your doctor before taking any new course of medication.

An old clich? is that prevention is better than cure, and this certainly applies to herpes. Never engage in oral sex if your partner has either mouth herpes or genital herpes. Never share towels, cutlery or a toothbrush with an infected person. Always practice safe sex. Using a condom can significantly reduce the risk of transmission, although it is by no means 100% effective, since it may not cover all infected areas. Valtrex, recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, may offer the best hope to sufferers at the present time. It can significantly reduce the chance of transmission, although the person infected must take it continuously.

Caroline Smith is an author and regular contributor to http://www.about-herpes.com - An educational resource with information on genital herpes, cold sores, shingles and other diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus.

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The Ethics of a Life-long Herpes Infection

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The Ethics of a Life-long Herpes Infection

From day one my own personal life-long herpes infection has presented me with several ethical challenges. It has challenged me on the question of who to tell and when. It has challenged me on the issue of what to say and how to others with herpes. It has challenged me on the question of "Do I have any responsibilities towards trying to prevent the people in the community who do not herpes from getting it, and if so what are they"? On how to tell and when:

When I was diagnosed with herpes the doctors told me that it was safe to have sex with others as long as I avoided having sex during outbreaks and that I would get warning signs of when an outbreak would be coming. Luckily, we are working with much better information these days. A person with herpes is potentially contagious every-single day of the year and safer sex including using a combination of a condom or dental dam and an anti-viral gel is the best way of ensuring that one isn't inadvertently spreading the virus.

I was an irresponsible coward when I first got herpes. Because the doctors told me that I wasn't contagious without outbreaks and because I was in the habit of using condoms, I decided that I only had to tell someone that I had herpes if and when it seemed like the relationship was turning serious and there would be regular sexual contact. I had justified my cowardice by thinking that the risk to others was too small to stick my neck out and get the rejection due to a herpes leper. Please don't be like me. Not telling someone before you have sex that you have herpes is absolutely the wrong thing to do. There's no real way to justify it. I now tell potential lovers I have herpes even before the first date. It gets the weight of this guilt most herpes people have off my chest and to me it feels like the right thing to do.

Many people tell me that it's okay if you're not going to have sex with someone to wait and see if the relationship becomes serious before telling them about herpes. Sure this is much better than waiting until after sex, but to me it still isn't good enough. If you care about someone, if you respect them , why not tell them as early as possible so they can decide if they want to invest the energy and time in getting to know you better? Isn't it a bit manipulative to allow someone to develop feelings for you without warning them that they risk a life-long viral infection if they get involved with you? Think about it. If you wait until they are already emotionally attached to you, they may feel compelled to continue with the relationship when they may not have if you had told them up-front. It takes more courage and integrity to tell early but it feels better to have the weight off your chest and the person you tell will usually respect you for giving them the choice.

I am especially appealing to men since I believe that men are not as protective of their sex partners when it comes to telling about herpes as women are. Guys, please don't have sex with anyone without telling them about your herpes. And if they don't know the facts don't understate the risks- herpes is a more physically and emotionally devastating disease for women than it is for men and it is much easier for a man to give a woman herpes than it is for a woman to give it to a man.

On how and what to say to others with herpes:

I am a holistic healer- a herbalist and homeopath. My family have been healers for many generations in my native country of Trinidad and Tobago and as far back as Africa. I had little to no interest in treating herpes as a healer until I got herpes myself. Wanting to change a negative to a positive, I decided to make the holistic treatment of herpes the cornerstone of my practice. The bible says "the stone that the builder refused, I will make my cornerstone. Bob Marley and the wailers sing about it too.

It didn't take me long once I decided to become a holistic viral specialist to realize that I was confronted with a daunting challenge. Most professionals including all the herbalists and homeopaths I know rely heavily on referrals to build their client-base. Here I was now working with a client-base that I was never going to get a lot of referrals from. My patients with herpes don't go around telling the world that I helped them with their outbreaks. Some of my patients have yet to tell their significant others that they have herpes, many have not told their closest friends and their family. I am not a company. I don't have an advertising budget. The only way for me to reach out to others with herpes and encourage them to come for me for treatment was to speak out in public about my herpes work and about herpes in general. This forced me to be far more out of the closet than would have been my personal choice.

I seem to always create challenging situations for myself. Speaking to others with herpes is not a task for the faint of heart. Some people like to shoot the messenger- I have the bullet-wounds to prove it. But I can say that speaking to others with herpes has been and continues to be one of the most gratifying experiences in my life. I feel a deep bond with many of the people with herpes who interact with me. I felt this kind of bond when I played team sports. I've felt this kind of bond all my life with other black people. There's something about "us against the world" that can make people tight with other. I love my herpes friends. I love my herpes patients- even the ones who misbehave. I am not grateful for getting herpes, but I don't regret it either. Nevertheless, the truth hurts, and I have some bitter truth to tell others with herpes:

Having a lover who also has herpes isn't a free ticket for unprotected sex. Even if you both have the same strain Even if one gave it to the other. Having unprotected sex with each other can and often will make one or both partner's cases of herpes worse. It's called re-inoculation and it's a message many with herpes don't want to hear.

If you have herpes or cold sores you are potentially contagious everyday and there is no sure way to tell if you are shedding virus. So do consider using a condom/dental dam combined with an anti-viral gel when having sex and do be careful about sharing wet towels or wash cloths with others.

No two people get herpes the same way so you are going to have your own individual experience with the virus and will have to find your own way of dealing with it on all the different levels you will have to deal with it.

A cure for herpes in our lifetime is unlikely and there are no quick-fix solutions for managing herpes. Herpes cannot be managed with a topical agent alone- whether it be creams, lotions, or essential oils. Managing herpes takes changing your diet, managing stress and other triggers, and may also require either taking herbal medicine or drug therapy.

You may not get fewer outbreaks as you get older. While this is often the case, since no two people get herpes the same way, other diseases, menopause, self-abuse, re-inoculation by unprotected sex and other factors can change the pattern of frequency and severity of outbreaks at any point during your life-long journey with herpes.

Cold-sores are just as contagious if not more contagious than genital herpes and you can infect others when there are no signs of sores present.

Having herpes does make you more vulnerable to other sexually transmitted infections including HIV, cervical dysplasia and genital warts.

Daily use of l-lysine is an ineffective strategy for treating herpes and can do more harm than good. There are more effective natural remedies such as garlic for treating herpes without side-effects.

On talking to those who don't have herpes:

The reality check for me is that the mainstream and alternative media do not want talk about herpes. They would prefer to keep us in a ghetto. There is a lot of misinformation floating around and people without herpes have few places to turn to hear the facts about herpes. They don't hear the facts in their churches, young people are not being educated enough about herpes in school. Most parents aren't teaching their children about herpes, older siblings are not passing information down to the younger ones.

It's really up to us who have herpes to try harder to dialogue with those who don't. HIV won't be the last word in human population control from the world of viruses. If we don't learn how to better protect the population from getting herpes and other sexually transmitted infections we are going to be in a lot of trouble. Herpes is a gateway disease it provided easy access through your mucus membranes for any sexually transmitted virus.

It is my unshakeable conviction that those of us in the herpes community need to be more vocal in the media and to also reach out to those around us. Each one teach one. Each one reach one.

Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist http://www.natropractica.com

Christopher Scipio , is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus. A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. http://www.natropractica.com

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